Friday, August 27, 2010

Truth in Advertising

I can't stand when advertisements try to trick you into thinking something is a big deal.
They throw out phrases like "The show everyone's talking about" -- What? NO. No, they're not. I know because, I'm included in "everyone" and I haven't said a word. I just heard a radio spot for a Patti Labelle concert, which was described as "The tour you've been waiting for"
Really? I HAVE? I mean, maybe I'd probably go if it was free, but I havent been sitting around waiting for Patti with an emptiness in my life.
Speaking of radio spots for concerts , I heard one a few years ago that was the most innapropriate monster truck show announcer voice. The guy's deep gravely voice bellowed,
SUNDAY! SUNDAY! SUNDAY! ART GARFUNKLE !!!!!! (que Art's soft docile voice singing " a bridge over troubled water") YES! ART MOTHERFUCKIN' GARFUNKLE IS GONNA ROCK YOUR FACE OFF! Im not kidding , it was THAT over the top.

Or, how bout this? Ads for movies where they supposedly pulled a quote from a film critic.
I saw one for the Jennifer Lopez movie (doesn't matter which one, theyre all the same)
The movie was hailed as "...laugh out loud hilarious". See, what they don't tell you is, that was just PART of the critic's quote. The rest of it read, "This predictable Hollywood chick flick garbage is so painfully awful and unfunny, the idea of your girlfriend even suggesting you sit through it is....laugh out loud hilarious"

One last thing. Not so much funny as it is true;
The next time you see one of those "I loved it" or "the feel good movie of the summer" or any glowingly generous jack off quotes from a so called "film critic" in an ad, look to see who the quote is attributed to. If you squint your eyes and look close enough at the purposely small printing of the persons name and even smaller portion that tells you what fine publication they work for, if it's not from a bodunk town you've never heard of (The Peppersneeze Gazzette) , then you'll usually see a dot com at the end. Something very generic, like That's because any moron can get a website and review a movie. Doesn't always mean it's not reputable, but alot of these sites are generated by the company who produced the movie! It's a bullshit website they made up just to get a quote that will sell a terrible film to unsuspecting moviegoers.
So keep your eyes and ears open ,my friends.Money is the name of the game and art is dead (not Garfunkle, I mean like creative works of art) Don't fall for those tricks perpetrated by "the man" ! --- that's all for now

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