I believe as far as music is concerned, The People's Choice awards mean nothing. "The People" are unqualified idiots. There's no accounting for taste in the general public. Look at a list of the ten most popular songs in the country right now and tell me Americans have any clue what quality is or who deserves to win an award.
See, as a whole, your average Top 40 listening citizen has no idea what's actually good. They know what's FAMILIAR. They respond to what has been crammed down their throat repeatedly by one of the three major corporations that own EVERY radio station in the United States.
On that topic, let me explain something; The purpose of your radio is not to play music, it's to advertise products. The reason why you will hear the same 5 songs every hour, every day is simple;
1. In Top 40 Radio the phrase "Familiarity Breeds Contempt" is reversed. Familiarity is good. See, the first time you hear one of today's pop songs, it's seems annoying and kind of stupid like a childish nursery rhyme and that's not a coincidence. These songs are geared toward young people who are big target market for a variety of products. Melodies need to be simple and repetitive so even a child can remember them. You might find that song stuck in your head and that's exactly what they want. Then, the next time you hear it, it's less annoying, and the more familiar it becomes, the more you start to think you actually like it.
2. Once you're brainwashed into liking that song, you might want to hear it again. The station wants you to be assured that within a matter of minutes after turning on your radio, you will hear that song. Its also that safety zone that keeps them from playing anything different that would make advertisers uncomfortable, because as I've already established, Radio is not about music, its about advertising which is how these corporations make a lot of money.
Now, I've never been one of those people that believes once an artist or group has become really successful, they've lost all artistic integrity, or what's refered to as "selling out." I think there's nothing wrong with writing or singing a song from your heart and wanting the most amount of people to hear it and subsequently, making a lot of money from it.
Almost all the great blues men wanted to have a hit record and get rich. I don't see the point of making music that you don't want people to hear. Music at it's very core is an expression of how someone is feeling put to song. When it's clearly not written or sung from the heart, but designed by a team of song writers that have done market research in order to deem the most effective subject matter, then performed basically by a computer, in a very obvious attempt to make money by selling this product to unknowing listeners, like most of popular music these days, THAT is what I'm adamantly opposed to. It's a scam and most people don't realize it. That's not what music is about. Ignorant kids, dumb adults, and novice music listeners that aren't paying attention can't tell the difference, between good pop and bad, but I can.
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